all postcodes in ML1 / MOTHERWELL

find any address or company within the ML1 postcode district

Postcode Area

ML / Motherwell

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
ML1 4AA 39 0 55.8003 -3.974264
ML1 4AB 24 0 55.802992 -3.975677
ML1 4AD 14 0 55.805043 -3.977249
ML1 4AE 57 0 55.805255 -3.975744
ML1 4AF 23 0 55.804928 -3.976541
ML1 4AG 6 0 55.804175 -3.976439
ML1 4AH 10 0 55.803479 -3.975032
ML1 4AJ 7 0 55.801034 -3.975594
ML1 4AL 38 0 55.802736 -3.973702
ML1 4AP 55 0 55.801874 -3.97144
ML1 4AQ 24 0 55.803818 -3.975145
ML1 4AR 36 0 55.802737 -3.972537
ML1 4AS 1 1 55.802362 -3.96955
ML1 4AT 50 0 55.802871 -3.969783
ML1 4AU 3 0 55.802939 -3.963803
ML1 4AW 4 0 55.802058 -3.973939
ML1 4AX 17 0 55.8195 -3.980169
ML1 4AY 20 0 55.802323 -3.96808
ML1 4AZ 33 0 55.80184 -3.968503
ML1 4BA 6 0 55.801611 -3.966497